
Doko is an electromagnetic building, based on the principle of an atom. Force field around nucleus (the size of which is comparable to an egg) creates an "empty space" 30-80 meters in diameter suitable for habitation, protected from external elements such as wind and rain.

Lower part of doko is underground and can also rest on the bottom of a lake. It is impossible to "lift" or "move" the nucleus of a doko standing next to it, just as it is impossible for you to lift a chair on which you sit. Surface of the doko is semi-transparent. It is impossible to see the inside from the outside, but when we are inside - the walls of doko seem "invisible" creating a sensation of being outdoor.

Biblical Enoch (a great grandfather of Noah), when he was 365 years old, visited Thiaoouba. It was about ~980 years after Hebrews landed on Earth ~12,000 years ago and ~670 years before The Flood that destroyed most of humanity on Earth, because people degraded themselves to moral and spiritual bottom. The Book of Enoch describes dokos as "crystal palaces". Michel Desmarquet personally confirmed that Enoch indeed visited Thiaoouba. Illustration and explanation by Dr Tom Chalko.

Golden doko on an island on Thiaoouba. When Michel Desmarquet saw this illustration he said that it looks like a photograph of what he saw.
