Physics of Gravity

This article explains why repulsive gravity forces could be as common as attractive gravity forces in the Universe, and why no one has noticed this.

Research and results published in the article below have been inspired by the book Thiaoouba Prophecy and numerous conversations with its author Michel Desmarquet in the years 1996-2000.

Michel Desmarquet not just "witnessed" levitation and neutralization of gravity force. He actually experienced levitation and anti gravity with his own physical body.

Following the ignition of its nuclear fusion, a newly formed star ejects laser-like jets of matter along its axis of rotation in two opposite directions. This matter, accelerated to relativistic speeds (comparable to the speed of light), interacts with the surrounding gas, producing light observable through telescopes. Similar highly collimated bi-directional jets are also generated by other rotating cosmic objects, such as quasars, and are responsible for producing some of the most energetic cosmic rays known. This image is a 2022 photograph captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, illustrating the hypothesis described in the 2013 article presented above. Credit: NASA Hubble Telescope, 12 March 2022