Emperor's Mirror

There is an ancient mirror in Japan, called Yata no Kagami 八咫鏡. Due to its mysterious "Sacred Treasure" status, the mirror is always hidden from view and its location is never confirmed. Only the reigning emperor himself and no one else is allowed to read what is written at the back of this mirror. Nobody, […]

Secret of Herai

Difficult to dismiss information is found in the folklore and tradition of Herai. For about 2000 years people have been singing a song there, the words of which they do not understand....


South of Japan, not far from Taiwan, there is a Japanese island called Yonaguni with strange underwater structures and accurately cut "terraces" in solid rock at right angles. Some people suspect that this structure was constructed by a human hand, but no one can determine its function. In the book Thiaoouba Prophecy, which contains the […]
