The oldest records of Mu philosophy (or religion, as we would call it today) are more than 70,000 years old. These records reveal that trained Masters from Mu continent, called Naacals, were carrying their Motherland's philosophy to various “colonies”. Naacals formed colleges in each country, where priest-teachers could be taught Mu philosophy and the sciences. Graduates from these colleges were in turn given task to organize schools and teach people.
Principles of Mu philosophy were taught in stages:
Man was taught that there was a Supreme Being, Infinite and Almighty Creator, who created all things above and below, including man. Man created by this Almighty Being was therefore Almighty's son and Almighty was man's Cosmic Father.
When man was created - the Creator placed within the body of man a spirit or soul which never dies but continues on through eternity.
When man was created it was ordained that his material body should return to the Earth from which it was taken. When this material body died it released the soul, which went into the world beyond to wait until it was called upon to occupy another material body. As soon as man's mind could grasp this, he was taught that his soul was given a task, and that this task was for the soul to rule the material body by overcoming material desires. When this was accomplished, his soul would be called back to the Great Source, and forever live in perfect joy and happiness - without a physical body. He was further taught that a single material life would be too short for the soul to overcome all material desires, so it was ordained that his soul should inhabit many bodies until this task was accomplished. He was taught that these reincarnations provided a path to the ultimate liberation of his soul.
It was thoroughly instilled into his mind that Cosmic Father was The Great Love and that this great love rules the Universe and never dies. He was taught that the love of the Cosmic Father was far greater than the love of his earthly father, who was only a reflection of his Cosmic Father. Therefore he should approach his Cosmic Father without fear or dread and in perfect confidence and love, knowing that loving Father is ready to receive him.
He was taught that all mankind were created by the same Cosmic Father; therefore all mankind were his brothers and sisters, and should be treated as such in all his dealings with them.
Finally he was taught his duties on Earth, how he should live to prepare himself to become fit to pass into the world beyond - when he was called. He was especially reminded that he must follow the paths of Truth, Love, Charity and Chastity, (referring here to the soul or consciousness, rather than to the material part of man), with perfect love and confidence in his Cosmic Father. It was a question not only of material charitable actions, such as feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, but the concept also included good and charitable thoughts of others. We should think ill of no one but rather try to help them overcome their failings.
It is clear from the above, that the fundamental principles of the philosophy Mu were:
The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.
People were constantly reminded that no symbol, however sacred, was to be worshiped in any way. Symbols were used only to help people to concentrate their mind solely on the Almighty and the particular subject of their supplication, because by keeping eyes on the symbol, other objects were excluded from vision and from attention. It can be said that Mu symbols served a function similar to a function of mantra during meditation.
The philosophy of Mu had no theologies or dogmas. Everything was taught in the simplest, most easily understood language, a language that even the most unschooled mind could grasp.
Since people of Mu actually lived by this philosophy, there were no wars or conflicts on Mu continent for the entirety of its inhabited ~250,000 year history.
Once Mu continent sank in the Pacific ocean about 14,500 years ago, "controlling influences of Mu" were gone. Confusion set in and madness in the form of bigotry, impossible theologies, and other errors were introduced.
At various times in history, unscrupulous priesthoods have caused the downfall of philosophy of Mu by introducing vicious systems of theology made up of inventions, fiction, omissions and malicious translations.
These distortions were invented by priesthoods for the purpose of planting superstitious fears in the hearts of the people, to ensnare them, body and soul, into slavery to the priesthood. Having accomplished this, it did not take long for those priesthoods (and systems that they supported) to acquire wealth and to control the entire humanity.
Continent Mu stretched from Yonaguni near Japan to Easter Island near Chile and had a land connection to North America. The underwater "pyramids" of Yonaguni and the gigantic statues of Easter Island are material remains of the continent of Mu. Both Yonaguni and Easter Island were quarries (sources of stone). The quarry of Easter Island was much larger than the island itself, but archaeologists can not yet imagine the idea of exploring the underwater surroundings of Easter Island…
Try to compare the philosophy of Mu with the information and advice provided in the book “Thiaoouba Prophecy” (first published as “Abduction to the 9th planet”).
The above article was written by Dr Tom Chalko on the basis of :
research by J. Churchward (1851-1936), who personally visited some Nacaals schools existing in the XIX century, and presented his findings in his books: The Children of Mu, The Sacred Symbols of Mu, The Cosmic Forces of Mu (book 1 and 2), The lost Continent of Mu
book of H.S. Santesson Understanding Mu, presenting a summary of J. Churchward research
information in the book Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet, who visited Thiaoouba
conversations with Michel Desmarquet, author of Thiaoouba Prophecy