Consciousness and Immortality

Consciousness is a system of information processing. By “information processing” here we mean creating, sorting, interpreting, understanding, encoding, storing, retrieving, translating, transmitting, receiving, implementing and utilizing information.

Secret of Herai

Difficult to dismiss information is found in the folklore and tradition of Herai. For about 2000 years people have been singing a song there, the words of which they do not understand....

The First Commandment

The First Commandment was given to Moses ~3,300 years ago at Mt Sinai by people from Thiaoouba (Hebrew shortcut יהוה). Moses wrote this commandment down in Hebrew, along with the other nine, in the second of his books, called Exodus, clearly referencing Thiaoouba (יהוה) as a source. The five books of Moses are the basis […]
