
Thao and Michel in front of interstellar spacecraft, that levitates when stationary. The diameter of the spacecraft is 80 meters. Propulsion system is explained here.

Consciousness and the Universe

Whatever we do - or whatever we think about - we should have in mind the ENTIRE UNIVERSE .... just because we are alive...

Consciousness and Immortality

Consciousness is a system of information processing. By “information processing” here we mean creating, sorting, interpreting, understanding, encoding, storing, retrieving, translating, transmitting, receiving, implementing and utilizing information.

Global Warming: can Earth perish?

The real danger for our entire civilization comes not from slow climate changes, but from overheating the planetary interior. Polar ice caps melt not because the air there is warmer than 0 deg Celsius, but because they are overheated from underneath. Volcanoes become active and erupt violently not because the Earth's interior "crystallizes", but because […]

Physics of Gravity

This article explains why repulsive gravity forces could be as common as attractive gravity forces in the Universe, and why no one has noticed this. Research and results published in the article below have been inspired by the book Thiaoouba Prophecy and numerous conversations with its author Michel Desmarquet in the years 1996-2000. Michel Desmarquet […]

Concentration exercise 2

This exercise aims to stimulate and practice the communication between both hemispheres of the brain, thereby increasing the "processing power" of your consciousness. It has been published by Dr. Tom Chalko here and in his books, but its source comes "from ANOTHER PLANET"... Place the above picture about 1 meter in front of you. Stretch […]

Conscious Healing

by Dr Tom J. Chalko, Australia (© 1997) 1. Abstract This article describes my personal experience leading to discovery of a technique effectively doubling the size of the stimulated electro-photonic glow (aura) around my body in a few minutes in addition to improving its balance and harmony. In 1997, after attending two public lectures on […]
